A blue costume wig adds the perfect pop of color whether you’re a clown or anyone else. We’ve also got pop culture characters galore, including official Stranger Things wigs so you can look exactly like Eleven, Barb, Joyce or anyone else on your favorite TV show. A black costume wig adds the perfect dark Goth image or spooky look. Your hair is part of what makes or breaks your Halloween costume, so getting it exactly right will mean everyone will be extra impressed at how authentic your look is. From long blonde wigs to short, curly red wigs, Spirit has every type of costume wig to fit with any kind of outfit.

If you just want to change up your appearance to make your costume look a little more different from everyone else’s, then any of our other wigs will definitely do the trick. A Rick wig and unibrow from Rick and Morty will have anyone yelling, “wubba lubba dub dub” all night at the Halloween party.

You may have the coolest costume around, but few would be seen as the best without a Halloween wig to top it off! Want to look like your favorite movie or TV show character? Spirit has wigs that will complete just about any costume from true classics like Belle in Beauty and the Beast to Joyce Byers from Stranger Things.